Heja Framtiden podcast #380: Yoram Wijngaarde

Heja Framtiden podcast #380: Yoram Wijngaarde

Yoram Wijngaarde, Dealroom.co. Press photo.

Yoram Wijngaarde is the founder and CEO at Dealroom.co, a global platform based in Amsterdam, providing data from startups and tech ecosystems to governments, investors and other stakeholders. With a database of more than 10,000 impact startups world-wide, a new report shows that The Nordics stand out in comparison – a fourth of VC investment went to impact companies in 2021 (and the gigantic Northvolt USD 2.8 bn investment is excluded from that number). We met Yoram at Stockholm Impact Week during Growth Day at Epicenter after moderating a panel discussion about the Nordic impact landscape. The episode is produced in collaboration with Invest Stockholm.

Check out our other episodes in English.

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Podcast host: Christian von Essen


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